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June 27, 2001 - Role Reversal, part deux

Signing Macarena off

[No pictures this flight except for track map]

Macarena is flying BG again today, with Santo chasing, just like last week. Today we launch from Spring Street, and fly toward the south-southeast into Meriden. There are no obvious opportunities for touch-and-go landings. However, later in the flight, we're over a large tract of forest and open farmland, so we take advantage of the terrain to do some contour flying.

After about an hour, we land at the edge of a recently cleared neighborhood-to-be, where Santo is already waiting for us.

I sign Macarena off as prepared to take her flight test, and she goes on to pass her checkride with flying colors a few weeks later on July 13.

Today's track from the GPS.

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